Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bristol CT Hypnotherapy

Bristol CT Hypnotherapy, find your therapist here

Bristol CT Hypnotherapy Finding Your Therapist

Relax. Refresh. Rejuvenate. Revitalize.Escape from the hectic rush of your busy life and take time to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind.  CT Hypnosis Therapy offers a variety of hypnotherapy healing practices because we believe everyone deserves to be pampered.  We know that the better you feel on the inside, the more confident, happy and rejuvenated you’ll feel on the outside.  Call us today to book your day of rejuvenation and relaxation!

The use of hypnosis or hypnoyherapy to treat medical disorders and conditions such as addictions, phobias, and depression, change unwanted habits and behaviors, induce relaxation, and complement psychotherapy.

Featured Therapists

Connecticut Hypnosis Therapy: Located in Bristol CT, they specialize in group therapy. Sometimes people can't pay for a session by themselves but include a few friends who want the same kind of therapy for quitting smoking, or losing weight or whatever it is you have a win win.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ever Tried Hypnosis Therapy

 hypnosis therapy

 Hypnosis Therapy Bristol CT 860-856-1181

Relax. Refresh. Rejuvenate. Revitalize.
Escape from the hectic rush of your busy life and take time to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind.  CT Hypnosis Therapy offers a variety of hypnotherapy healing practices because we believe everyone deserves to be pampered.  We know that the better you feel on the inside, the more confident, happy and rejuvenated you'll feel on the outside.  Call us today to book your day of rejuvenation and relaxation!

What Is Hypnosis Therapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method of working with the subconscious mind while you are in a deeply relaxed state.  You are completely aware of all that is going on around you.  You can not be forced to do anything that you would not normally do while under hypnosis.  You have the ability at all times to remove yourself from the hypnotic state if you choose to do so.  During hypnosis, suggestions are given to your subconscious mind relating to the topic of your choosing.  You will not leave your session quacking like a duck or barking like a dog.  Hypnosis is a great way to get around mental road blocks allowing you to achieve your goals the easiest way possible.  Take weight loss for example.  When we try to lose weight we diet and exercise.  At first we may be motivated but it is very common for it to quickly become very difficult and hard to do. How hypnosis helps weight loss is by accessing your subconscious and convincing it that you enjoy making healthy life choices.  Things in life happen much easier when it is something that comes easily and naturally.  However, hypnosis will not work if you do not want it to.  For example, if you come to us to quit smoking, you have to want to quit smoking.  If you are merely trying it to appease somebody else, no suggestion will help you quit smoking.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized

To quote the June 1977 issue of "Psychology Today":
"People who are hypnotized for the first time are frequently disappointed to find that they experience nothing overwhelming.  They feel mildly relaxed but they remain in touch with reality and in control of their thoughts. They may discover that the hypnotist's suggestions are quite resistible. Contrary to what most people believe, a person under hypnosis need not fall asleep, or lose contact with his surroundings, or relinquish his will. He is often able to recall everything that happened during the trance and will act perfectly normal."

 Hypnosis therapy can be done for a multitude of issues.  Typically people pursue hypnosis therapy for weight loss or to quit smoking.  However, hypnosis can be used for an endless amount of reasons, such as increasing self confidence, increasing motivation, decreasing stress and anxiety, public speaking and test taking.  Almost anything can be worked on through hypnosis.  Contact us to create your own personal hypnosis session. Believe it or not, everyone has been in a hypnotic state at one point or another in their life. For example...Have you ever driven home, gotten there and not been able to recall the drive?  During your drive, you were hypnotized.  Your conscious mind was deep in thought or off on cloud 9 while your subconscious mind drove the whole way home.

Who Are We

CT Hypnosis TherapyAt CT Hypnosis Therapy, we are focused on providing holistic healing treatments with the highest levels of customer satisfaction & we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

Why us?

CT Hypnosis Therapy is more than just a business.  We began with the goal of helping people and bringing holistic healing to those seeking its benefits.  We are passionate about what we do and we hope to bring that passion to all of our clients.

Our Services

Mix and match our services! Call us at 860-856-1181 for details and pricing information! Our services can be done at our location or in a storefront offering us their space in Connecticut.

The choice is yours. Contact us for details.

CT Hypnosis Therapy

Access your subconscious to make permanent changes to your life to leave you happy and healthy.  Everyone can benefit from a hypnotherapy session and we have listed below some of the ways that hypnotherapy can benefit you. $70 per session
Self Confidence, Motivation, Self Image, Stress, Anger, Addiction, Relaxation, Anxiety,Nail Biting, Quit Smoking, Weight Loss, Fears, Phobias
Communication, Past Life Regression, Memory, Public Speaking
Stage Fright, Performance Anxiety, Substance Abuse, Overeating, Self-Control

In home Group Sessions!

Have a group of friends interested in hypnotherapy?  Make a night of it!  We offer in home group sessions for the topic of your choosing.  Contact us for pricing and details!

Visit our website Connecticut Hypnosis Therapy

Call 860-856-1181